Transcript for Business Courses
Course | Professor | University | Platform | Credential | Grade | Weeks |
Lean Startup | Steve Blank | Udacity | Proficiency | 100.0 | 9 | |
Computational Finance & Financial Econometrics | Eric Zivot | Univ of Washington | Coursera | Completion | 100.0 | 10 |
Competitive Strategy | Tony Kretschmer | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | Coursera | Distinction | 96.0 | 8 |
RMB in the International Monetary System | Joseph Yam | Chinese Univ of Hong Kong | Coursera | Accomplishment | 78.0 | 4 |
Organizational Analysis | Daniel McFarland | Stanford Univ | Coursera | Accomplishment | 105.0 | 10 |
Critical Perspectives on Management | Rolf Strom-Olsen | Instituto de Empresa Business School | Coursera | Distinction | 81.1 | 6 |
Introduction to Law and Economics | Richard Adelstein | Wesleyan Univ | Coursera | Accomplishment | 94.4 | 6 |
Financial Markets | Robert Shiller | Yale Univ | Coursera | Accomplishment | 93.8 | 9 |
New Models of Business in Society | Edward Freeman | Univ of Virginia | Coursera | Accomplishment | 100.0 | 4 |
Financial Decision Making | Xing Xiao | Tsinghua Univ (Beijing) | edX | Accomplishment | 97.0 | 11 |
What Managers Can Learn from Great Philosophers | Luc de Brabandere | Ecole Centrale Paris | Coursera | Accomplishment | 97.0 | 6 |
Analyzing Global Trends in Business and Society | Mauro Guillén | Univ of Pennsylvania | Coursera | Accomplishment | 100.0 | 7 |
Advanced Competitive Strategy | Tony Kretschmer | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | Coursera | Distinction | 97.8 | 8 |
Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations | David Owens | Vanderbilt Univ | Coursera | Accomplishment | 98.6 | 8 |
Corporate Finance | Javier Estrada | IESE Business School | Coursera | Distinction | 100.0 | 6 |
Innovation for Entrepreneurs | Thomas Mierzwa | Univ of Maryland | Coursera | Verified Distinction | 95.3 | 4 |
Understand Organizations | Rodolphe Durand | HEC Paris | Coursera | Verified | 95.0 | 5 |
Managing the Company of the Future | Julian Birkinshaw | London Business School | Coursera | Verified Distinction | 88.0 | 5 |
New Venture Finance | Michael Pratt | Univ of Matyland | Coursera | Distinction | 97.0 | 4 |
Supply Chain & Logistics | Chris Caplice | MIT | edX | Verified Achievment | 67.0 | 10 |
Principles of Economics | John Taylor | Stanford Univ | Open edX | Distinction | 96.0 | 8 |
Corporate Finance | Michael Roberts | Univ of Penn - Wharton | Coursera | Distinction | 100.0 | 4 |
Understanding the Federal Reserve | William Addiss | New York Institute of Finance | edX | Certificate | 100.0 | 2 |
The Global Financial Crisis | Metrick & Geithner | Yale Univ | Coursera | Verified Certificate | 95.6 | 11 |
Understanind Financial Markets | Michel Girardin | Univ of Geneva | Coursera | Verified Certificate | 100.0 | 4 |
Credit Risk Modelling | Lore Dirick | Data Camp | Certificate | 100.0 | 4 | |
Courses | 26 | |||||
Accum Weeks | 173 | |||||
Target Weeks | 200 | |||||
% Completion | 87% | |||||
Business GPA | 94.9 |